Student Loan Protection

Ohio National Ameritas Guardian MassMutual Standard
Name of rider Student Loan Reimbursement Student Loan Repayment Student Loan Protection Student Loan Student Loan Benefit
Issue ages 18-45 18-50 18-45 18-45 18-45
Ocupation classes 6A, 6M, 5A, 5M, 4A, 4M, 3A, 3M, 2A 6A, 6M, 5A, 5M, 4A, 4M, 3A, 3M, 2A, 2M 6, 6M, 5, 5M, 4, 4M, 4D, 3, 3M, 3D 5A, 5P/1, 5P, 4A/5, 4A/4, 4P, 3A/1, 3A, 3P/1, 3P 5A, 5P, 4A, 4P, 4S, 3A. 3D, 3P
Maximum monthly indemnity $3,000 $2,500 MD, DO = $2,500
degree = $2,500
degree = $1,000
$2,500 5P, 4P, 4S, 3D,
3P = $2,500
5A, 4A, 3A = $1,500
Minimum monthly indemnity $100 $100 $250 $100 $500
Elimination Periods 60, 90, 180, 365 90, 180 90, 180 90, 180 60, 90, 180, 365
Benefit Term Periods 5, 10 and 20 years 5-15 years
Not to exceed age 55
18-45: 10 years
18-40: 15 years
18-45: 10 years
18-40: 15 years
18-45: 10 years
18-40: 15 years
Definition of disability Same as base Same as base Same as base Same as base Same as base
Residual/partial available? No 1/2 payment up to
50% of benefit
No No No

Ohio National





Student Loan Reimbursement

Student Loan Repayment

Student Loan Protection

Student Loan

Student Loan Benefit